Friday, November 20, 2009

Skin rash, plz help!!?

okay well this morning i woke up with this rash, and it was all over my face, back, the back of my legs, and my forearms, my mom said it was form the sun, but then, okay don't laugh, but i got some on my boob, so i figured it couldn't be, then it spread to my ear lobe and all down my neck, i dont know wat this could be, i used no new lotion or anything new, it's like a bunch of tiny red dots in a cluster, but they're all voer my body but only in little clusters, there'll be a cluster of red bumps here, then not here, please help me? what could this be? my mom's gonna bring me to the doctor's if it gets worse, i am jsut worried|||you need to see a doctor...|||could it be hives??

an allergic reaction to something in the air, or something you ate??

id say you should go to the doctor.. just in case.|||1. Check for spider/bed bugs in your bed.

It's been hot. So spiders do get into a house.

2. Ohh! I also sounds like chicken pox.

3. Maybe it's an allergic reaction from something you ate.

Go to a doctor now and don't touch anyone.|||ok i am pretty sure this isn't the right answer: maybe it's chicken pox. but since it's a skin disease go see a dermatologist ( a skin doctor) trust me dermatologists have probably seen 100's of people with the same problem and so shouldn't start freaking out. see a dermatologist.

oh yeah and i should mention that i had a rash ALL over my body, legs, arms, (not my face) but everywhere because i got hives from something i was allergic too. try going to a doctor that specializes in allergies. see if it was an allergic reaction. hope u get better!

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