Friday, November 20, 2009

8 week Skin Rash: Been to 2 Doctors and have lost hope! PLEASE Advise!?

I've had a rash on my chin and around my mouth for about 8 weeks now. I have been to my doctor twice and to a dermatologist; both looked at it and told me to put vaseline on it which I have done. The dermatoligist said I have dermatitis and gave me desonide (steroid/cortisone cream) but its not working. My lips are bleeding, my chin is bright red and tender. It doesnt itch or tingle, but it stings badly when I open my mouth wide and when any liquids get into the lesions on my lips. It feels as though I'm sunburned on my chin. I don't know what else to do and I have lost faith in doctors. I'm scared that 2 different doctors can't diagnosis my condition. My chin and mouth look terrible and digusting! I've called in sick for work several times and people keep staring and asking whats wrong with my face, which further stresses and depresses me. I don't know what else to do or where to turn to. I want to know what it is and how to get rid of it before I'm driven to suicide! Please help!!|||cud it stem from an oral sexual encounter you've had recently.sorry to sound so blunt,but,try going to an infectious disease doctor.i had an infection in my calf and this was where my general practitioner sent me|||You could also try an anti-bacterial ointment. I use one that is a store brand with three types of anti-bacterial medication that is the same consisteny as vaseline. Keep trying the docs until one figures it out. It could be from diet also. Keep track of what yopur eating and try eliminating foods one at a time to see if there is any result. Stay away from anything that dries the skin like acne medicine and anything that has perfume or dyes.|||when i was like 7 or something i had that which is eczema but only on my lips. and plus i had it for 3 YEARS! omg. but it comes and goes so yeah. dude when the dermatologist prescribed me desonide, it works sooooo good im serious are u sure its not working? put it on u'll find results in like a week! just keep putting it on and espresially at night.|||This sounds like a syndrome only recently recognized by the CDC called Morgellons ..

In order to see if it is .. you ll need to purchase a 30X handheld lighted microscope and have someone look at your chin ..if they see White red or bright blue fibers , you have morgellons and there are no treatments for it but a high dose of antibiotics for a year has kept me in remission along with non toxic cleaning my environment .

The only sight that is reputable on morgellons is Doctors are clueless with morgellons so be careful . good luck

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