Monday, November 16, 2009

Pls help - too many times pottying, skin rash.?

My 3.5 month old baby, seems to be doing too much potty, is it normal? he is exclussively breast milk (expressed) fed, and earlier he used to do lot of potty but only 1-2 times a day, since past 2-3 days he's been doing not too much but atleast 6-7 times! is it ok, but i believe in total ( i know it sounds gross) he must be doing much more than those 2 times.

Also he has red skin rash on the top part of his body, that is his shoulders, chest, upper arms, neck and back. I dont know if it is a heat rash or something.

He is teething so can the above two things be caused bec of it? Also my friend told me not give him water as it will fill his stomach and he wont have enough space for the bmilk. Is it true? Should i give him some water or is the Bmilk enough for him?

Thanks in advance!|||Breastmilk is at 88% water, breastfed babies do not need, and should almost never have water. Giving water can cause water intoxication, and it does take the place of breastmilk so if given repeatedly can cause malnutrition.

In the case of a sick baby breastmilk has the perfect electrolyte balance -unlike water. And unlike pedialyte or other electrolyte replacement fluids it contains antibodies to help make the baby better faster. The only time a breastfed baby needs anything other than breastmilk is if they refuse to breastfeed, and even then every effort should be made to get the baby to take breastmilk from another source such a syringe.

The sudden change if bowel movements *may* indicate diarrhea, however 3 months is about the time of a major growth spurt: more food =more poop.

Heat rash looks like very small pink dots about the size of a pin prick, fairly close together.

If you are concerned go to the doctor. If your baby seems normal -just poopy with a mild rash you can probably wait a few days to see if it gets better.|||There are two camps in the "water or no water" debate.

As foremilk is designed to be thin and thirst quenching, I don't see any reason why water would be necessary. If his wee is dark, feed him more, as it's a sign of dehydration. If his wee is clear like normal, or just a little bit yellow, he's fine.

Irregular pooping habits are quite normal. If it's coming out quite bulky, he might be constipated and you should talk to your doctor about it. It's very rare for a breastfed baby though. If you think he has diarrhoea, you should get him checked out.

If you are worried about the rash, see your doctor. If it's only a heat rash, your nappy cream will clear it up. Make sure you aren't over dressing him. I use paw paw ointment for nappy rash and the heat rash my daughter got.

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