Friday, November 20, 2009

Cure For Skin Rash?

My one year old has skin rashes on her inner thighs, arm, and elbow and I tried A%26amp;D Ointment and Tinactin but theres no change and she had it for awhile. What should I do, any suggestions?|||My son also has this and i have tried everything. His doctor said it is a form of Ezema, and sometimes it will go away and reappear. The best thing that has worked for my son is using regualr chap-stick...i know it sounds weird, but it really works. Also, applying baby lotion for sensitive skin every 3-4 hours has helped.

Sweat will amke it worse, so try and keep it dry from that.|||When my children were babies, we used a product called Diaperene. It was a creamy type medicine in a tube and it worked well.

Good Luck.|||You should take your baby to the doctor. The rashes could be psoriasis or excema. The doctor can prescribe medications to make the rashes go away.

You could also try really thick lotion such as Eucerin cream. Rub it on twice a day, especially at night after bath....and immediately put pjs on. You can try a double rinse in the laundry. There is some over-the-counter medication called Cortaid that works really good.

If your baby has really dry skin there will be rashes if you don't get moisture to the skin. You should definately see a doctor to make sure its nothing to be worried about.|||Rashs are very hard to determine the cause. It could be anything from an allergic reation to a heat rash to something like mites or scabbies. You need to see your doctor. Your child might need something stronger than you can get over the counter.|||have you had your child checked for ringworm?|||Usually the doctor will prescribe a simple hydrocortisone cream.|||Cetaphil and eucerin are good for mild eczema. If you are really concerned take her to a doctor.

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