Monday, November 16, 2009

I medicated my dog's skin rash, she rubbed all the meds & fur off, it came back a different color. Normal?

My female choclab kept biting and scratching just above her tail, no rash or condition visible. I suspect self-stimulation, but in any event treated it like a skin condition (coal tar bath, lanolin ointment, etc...). Stubborn mutt rolled around on her back until she rubbed all the medicine - ergo all the fu as well - completely down to the skin.

I began thinking the fur wasn't coming back, but I realized her fur is all back, it's just white instead of the brown she orignially had.

What might have caused this? Could she just be on her last batch of brown fur and all of it will be coming in white from this point on d/t age and her rubbing it bare just made it happen quicker in that spot?

Truly, I'm baffled. :-?|||This is a type of scar.

The hair folicles were damaged, either by the medicine, or by whatever was wrong to begin with.

Chances are, it won't ever be brown again.|||hmmm its possible the ointment kind of bleached the hair follicules under neath the the new hair grows out the brown fur might push through.she sounds like she might have dry skin which is common in this breed or an allergy. you could give her a benadryl and start putting a tbsp of veg or olive oil in her food. the vet can tell you a lot more about her skin condition.if it keeps up and she is still uncomfortable take her in for a good checkup. good luck

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