Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Dog has a slight skin Rash.... What might it Be?

I have a Schitsu... He is very well maintained. However, in the last month or so, he has developed this rash looking things under his coat. He scratches it from time to time, but it does not seem uncomforatble to him.It is effecting, but the rash looks somewhat like a scab. what are some things it could be and how can I possibly treat it?|||Might be an allergy. Take him to the vet. I have a kitten I'm trying to get adopted %26amp; I want to treat this before I take her somewhere, because I don't want them to put her down. She's healthy. (No scabs, just some hair loss.)|||It could be a yeast infection, some dogs get these on their coats. You really should take him to a vet and let the vet do a test (scraping) on it to let you know for sure.|||could possibly be exema (sp), you could try lavendar oil, and feeding him plain yogurt|||My cat has a similar problem. He would scratch it and little patches of skin/fur would come off. He was/is allergic to cat food with any dye in it so your dog probably has an allergy. My cat had to get a steroid shot every now and then before they figured out his problem (they thought he was allergic to fish).

My sister's cat had really bad dandruff due to an allergy too. Her vet told her to give the cat baby/children Benadril (not sure of the dosage).

Call your vet or get an appointment with one to get the proper treatment. This is most likely nothing about which you need to worry :-)|||could be scabies/mites/fleas.

give him bath in DOG flea shampoo every week.

their skin gets dry in winter.

nothing serious if hair is still in tact,just do this to keep pet comfortable.|||Certain dogs are prone to skin problems eczema or allergies. Labradors especially have bad itching. The vet will usually give you a type of cortisone to administer to your dog. There are also natural remedies, but you'd have to consult "holistic" veterinarians - there are some around. Sometimes the type of heat you have, especially if it's dry in your home, can produce skin problems (my cat has dandruff). Buying a humidifier and/or giving your dog supplements with Omega-3 %26amp; 6 in it will also be helpful.|||your dog could have fles and could scratch at them often and that might cause hair to fall out or a red patch of skin, he may also have walked into poison ivy or somthing like that. another possibility is that it is just dry skin but im no vet u should ask one if it gets bad.

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