Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rash on skin - sign of pregnancy?

I have recently developed an itchy rash on my legs (kind of looks like really bad razor burn). It is very odd as I have never developed rashes and as far as I know I am not allergic to anything (had my allergies tested twice). The only thing I can think of is that my husband and I are trying to conceive and I am in the grey period right now (find out this weekend if I am pregnant or not). Has anyone heard of developing new allergies in the (very) early pregnancy? Or getting skin rashes?|||Yes you can develop new allergies while pregnant. Talk to your doctor already. It may or may not be related, but no one here can tell you that.|||I can't say for sure that the rash is due to a pregnancy, but i can definitely say that it may be due to a hormonal irregularity. The best way to know if you're pregnant or not is to take the test. Good luck|||i developed a rash when i was 6 weeks pregnant. so yes it could be. your body will be going through changes.

Good luck! I will also know this weekend if i am pregnant!.|||Sounds more like a side effect of meds for trying to concieve than a sign of pregnancy.

THe earliest sign is a missed period. Until that happens what you might be feeling could jsut be a flu or virus. OTher signs include:

Faint or dizzy

tender or enlarged breasts

increase in normal vaginal discharge

morning or evening sickness.

Dislike of strong tastes/ smells

need to urinate frequently.

very emotional. Due to hormonal changes.

Home test are super accurate. even if the line is very faintly positive. Likey you are. Doctors should always be used to back up a home test.

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